My name is Aya Alkalisy. I’m a fusionist based in Victoria, Australia — I find harmony in all by masterfully weaving the truth.

Aya means…

in Akkaidian (Ancient Babylonian) Aya means Dawn

in Arabic أية Aiya means Miracle, Sign of God, Wonderful or anything of Purpose and Value

in Sanskrit अयूर in the word Ayurveda (ancient medicine system meaning ‘science of life’) Ayur means Life

in Japanese あや Aya means Creative, Beautiful, Colours or Design

in Hebrew איה Aya means Bird of Paradise or To Fly Swiftly

in Greek Ἁγία Agia means Feminine Saint. The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul represents this for the Feminine Saint of Wisdom: Sophia. The name of this place has recently been changed to ‘Aya Safya’ to represent its Arabic meaningThe Pure Miracle (that is Sophia)

in Mongolian Aya means Goodness, Melody or Music

in Urdu Ayah means Bees or Caretaker 

in Andinkra (Ghanan Aphroism Symbology System) Aya is a Fern

in Turkish Altaic Aya symbolises a Good Soul. The origin of the word comes from Ay ("moon" in Turkish)

in Turkish Aya means to the moon

in the Asian expression 哎呀 - Ay-Ya! (Utilised in various Asian cultures) Aya is an exclamation of an emotion or feeling

in the Sounds of the Chakras (Chakras are energy centres of the body) the sound or vowel ‘ay’ represents the third eye chakra (insight & wisdom) and the sound ‘ah’ represents the heart chakra (compassion & love)

The word Pitaya (original name of what’s commonly known as The Dragon Fruit) means Light of Heart, the Aya component of this word means light

The word Ayer (the name of central rock of Australia & town in Queensland) Ayer means Dawn

in Thai ไอ้หยา aya means Yeah 

I take brands very seriously

The Art I Practice



The Universe of Information


Seeing all things in their information makeup - within the entirety of the Universe in natural systems and those engineered by humans. A foundational science and art that has helped me uncover the story of our world and the connectedness of us all.



How the dots connect to form a whole


Often we design systems to work on their own really well but we fail to consider the whole. I love stepping above all systems and connecting them to create a greater, more seamless and united whole. Systems are the mechanism for unity, the most successful of which are true to and work in complete complement and concert with nature. Our true human nature and essence is just as critical as the Earth’s natural systems in this consideration. The majesty of systems is in the harmonious unity of them all regardless of form.



The pathway there


Every living thing is born with purpose. As is the truth for everything we create. The purpose is the beginning and the end, and strategy works to to identify these points and the pathway in between. When I found my own way I’ve been able to hold space for many others to find theirs. Finding my own purpose and path has been a highly noble pursuit.


In-Service Design

Loving intentions form truly holistic design


The power of a loving essence delivers the grandest results. The design is truly in service and holistic because it came from a whole place. The design stands the test of time, because it is designed for an intention that lingers beyond time. It lingers in the heart. 


Business Design

The Art of Gold


What is truly golden is that which has value forever. Every human has a golden essence. When a human chooses to live in their gold it has a rippling effect unto others, like a Midas touch. When designing from a golden essence we can be forever relevant and rippling in goodness. 



The Unseen, Seen & Integrated


The art of perception and communication takes new heights when we consider the subtle arts. All the gold we gain from our interaction from that which is subtle and unseen (yet can be felt & known through our higher senses) has tremendous impact in our world. Taking from our interaction and wisdom of the heavens and integrating it with our Earthly context is where we really elevate as a planet.


Holding Space for Golden Creation

Rainbow Fusion Machine


Whatever the mechanism for holding space, I strive to hold the space so well that the resulting effect is elevation of the soul and the uncovering of the golden essence within.  Harmoniously synchronising with each individual  I facilitate as I meet them in the heart, soul and Earthly context. This sets forth a motion that only golden creations be born. 


What I love most is when I unite all the arts so they sing harmoniously as one. Oh what a joy it is to hear this song.


If this tickles your heart, let me know at